
#SCIS2020 goes Digital

#SCIS2020 goes Digital

Social Cooperatives International School became an on line Summit with European Institutions, and social cooperators from all around the globe.

Category: Highlights, News

Tags: International School,   #SCIS2020,   Europe,   Digital,   Social enterprises

Last 5 years, Confcooperative Federsolidarietà pushed the international dimension of social cooperatives and social enterprises, creating the Social Cooperatives International School. This unique event gathered together hundreds of cooperative entrepreneurs, social enterprises, thinkers and practitioners from all around the globe to meet experts from innovative sectors, to get inspired from international best practices and to participate to in-depth interactive discussions.

SCIS2020 became digital this year! The Summit took place for the first time online, European Institutions representatives and former participants of the International School reunited to discuss various topics for future of social enterprises.

The first panel “A European Strategy for Social Enterprises” provided insights in Europe’s social economy recent developments and future scenarios, involving Stefano Granata, President of our Federation, Patrizia Toia, Member of the European Parliament, Giuseppe Guerini, CECOP President, and Ann Branch, Head of Unit of the Directorate of Employment of the European Commission. You may watch the video recording of this session here.

In a second session “Next Generation Impact”, alumni of previous participants shared their visions, experiences and ideas about the future of the cooperative movement. We had a virtual tour of the globe with the contribution of Melike Davaslı Okçu (Turkey – SCIS2016), Esteban Kelly (USA – SCIS2017), Georgi Georgiev (Bulgaria – SCIS2017), Andrea Rilievo (Italy – SCIS2018), Sara Corona (Italy – SCIS2019), Fundiswa Ndlela (South Africa – SCIS2019). You may watch the video recording of this session here.

Stay tuned for SCIS2021!

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