
Stefano Granata Vincenzo De Bernardo is the director of Confcooperative Federsolidarietà since 2009.


At the same time, he is the responsible of Civic Service, the public program that allows young people to entry, as voluntaries, in third sector. Each year almost 1.800 young people have voluntary service into social cooperatives of Confcooperative Federsolidarietà.

He was member of the board of Fondazione con il Sud, the major South bank Foundation that funds project coming from third sector. He is member of the board of “Con i bambini srl impresa sociale” that, through the partnership with Government, has funded more than 220 million of euro to project coming from third sector to reduce young’s education poverty.

Before Confcooperative, for 10 years he worked to Prime Minister Office as economist focused on labour market and local development, for several Ministers, public administrations, social parties and universities to project of promotion and evaluation of territorial development. He worked as promoter of small and medium enterprise’s consortia, he was president of some of them. He studied Economy at University of Naples, and at Lehigh University to Iacocca Institute (Global Village for future leaders of business Industry).


Valerio Pellirossi Valerio Pellirossi is the senior policy advisor of Confcooperative Federsolidarietà.


He is specialised in the normative framework of social cooperatives and social enterprises with a strong background in international policies and international economy.

He is member of the board of Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Italy’s major network of social companies that gathers together about 900 social enterprises. He worked at European level in Brussels, where he was co-author of the publication Cooperatives, territories, jobs – twenty experiences of cooperatives active in industry and services across Europe (V. Pellirossi, B. Roelants, O. Biron, CECOP publications 2011).

In Federsolidarietà, he has contributed in several research and publication on social cooperatives and social enterprises, among those: Atlante della cooperazione sociale and Atlante Italia 2020, Cooperative sociali e inserimento lavorativo di persone svantaggiate (P. Moro, L. Gili, L. Gallo, A. Coppetti. Maggioli ed. 2014), Sviluppo Locale e Cooperazione Sociale (Aa.vv. Ecra ed. 2015).

He is the general coordinator of the Social Cooperatives International School – SCIS.


Emilio Emmolo Emilio Emmolo is the legal advisor of Confcooperative Federsolidarietà since 2003.


He is specialised in commercial law and public procurement law.
He was member of the board of Cooperazione Finanza Impresa (CFI). The CFI was set up in 1986 in order to handle the Marcora Fund. The function of this financing company is to have a share in the share capital of the social cooperatives for social investement and the cooperatives set up by unemployed workers.

He worked for international NGOs (Amnesty International - International Secretariat in London, International Campaign to Ban Landmines – ICBL in Geneve) and Italian NGOs. He participates to United Nation diplomatic conferences for the establishment of the Penal International Court, the International Arms Trade Treaty and Mine Band Treaty.


Silvia Pini Silvia Pini is working in Confcooperative since 1991.


She is the passionate head assistant of the national office of Confcooperative Federsolidarietà since 2004.

The life of the organisation flows under her fingers. She takes care of office management, coordination tasks, document management and business trip organisation. She is result oriented and pragmatic, stress resistant and good team player.

Her work is frequently “behind the scene” but she is a guarantee of success.


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