He is specialised in the normative framework of social cooperatives and social enterprises with a strong background in international policies and international economy.
He is member of the board of Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Italy’s major network of social companies that gathers together about 900 social enterprises.
He worked at European level in Brussels, where he was co-author of the publication Cooperatives, territories, jobs – twenty experiences of cooperatives active in industry and services across Europe (V. Pellirossi, B. Roelants, O. Biron, CECOP publications 2011).
In Federsolidarietà, he has contributed in several research and publication on social cooperatives and social enterprises, among those: Atlante della cooperazione sociale and Atlante Italia 2020, Cooperative sociali e inserimento lavorativo di persone svantaggiate (P. Moro, L. Gili, L. Gallo, A. Coppetti. Maggioli ed. 2014), Sviluppo Locale e Cooperazione Sociale (Aa.vv. Ecra ed. 2015).
He is the general coordinator of the Social Cooperatives International School – SCIS.